Monday Mindset With Isha Warriors

Episode 90: Knowledge is Power-Period. (Week One)

October 23, 2023 Alli

I am so excited to talk to you guys today because what I am sharing with you today are thoughts I have been mulling over for almost 2 decades.  I have dreamed of talking about these things in this capacity ever since I published my first podcast.  What I found as I started putting thoughts down on paper years ago was that this topic was much bigger than one podcast could hold and there were so many others who could speak on it with more experience and wisdom than me.  What started as an idea for one episode has turned into a 9 week series involving incredible women from 5 different countries and coordinating zoom interviews across 6 different time zones. 

This series is for everyone. Everyone who menstruates and for anyone who knows someone who menstruates.  

Like I said, this series is for everyone, because knowledge is power-period. And like Days for Girls founder Celeste Mergens has said, “Periods are a natural function that connects all of us.”

I feel like this topic is such a game changer for society dynamics and today I am going to talk about 5 things I you will take away from the entire series and hopefully, you will understand why I am so passionate about it and why it is so crucial for everyone to hear!!

1. Conversations create compassion.

  • Brad Henry once said, “Let us be bold. Let us be brave. Let us be together.”

2. Common does not equal normal.

  • Have hope that there are things you can do to manage your symptoms!

3. Own your period more.

  • Take responsibility for educating yourself more and managing your period.
  • Advocate for your needs & communicate them.
  • Try different menstrual products.
  • Own what you do have control of!

4. Be more period positive!

  • There are simple things anyone can do to make their home, school, work place etc a more period positive place.

5. Our bodies are incredible and amazing-let's celebrate the miraculous things it can do.

Isha Warriors' 6 Week Body Positivity Yoga Series
Chella Quint's  "Own Your Period." & "Be Period Positive"
Website for "Mixhers: House of Happy Hormones"
Website for "Share the Dignity"
Celeste Mergen's "Power of Days" & website for "Days For Girls"
Janet Kreb's Raising Independence website
Nikki Gilles's "Weight Loss Revolution" & "Why Can't I Lost Weight?"

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